Saturday, February 1, 2014

Two Years is a Long Time

Catching up on all I have done in the last couple of years (well, maybe not ALL). In no particular order, here goes.

Went to Costume Con 31 in Denver last May. That was awesome. I had the chance to show off what I make, and I got to see what others were doing. I entered 4 costumes in the competitions, two Great Gatsby inspired pieces, one Star Trek dress, and my wedding gown.

 That's my son and Maggie as Jay and Daisy. They were a big hit.

 This is Baroness Janeway. I can't take credit for the name. All I could think of was Star Trek 1895. Thanks to whoever came up with the clever name!

And this is the wedding dress. At my wedding. With my husband, who's outfit I also made.

So I didn't win anything at the competitions, but I wasn't rerribly upset. The Baroness Janeway outfit was a HUGE hit. People screamed and applauded when I came out. I didn't win anything because there were some truly awesome costumes that were just better. I didn't win anything for the 1872 wedding dress because I didn't have the proper bustle (kids, always have the right foundation garments under that beautiful dress!). Jay and Daisy were adorable, but not spectacular enough, and all of my historical garments were gone over with a fine tooth comb before hand. This is where the Costume Nazis hang out, and they do a fine job. It's just that the insides of my costumes are not meant for public viewing. I'm more of a theatre costumer than a historical one. I do like my outfits to be as historically accurate as possible, though - on the outside.

I will post more later, as well as stuff for the HSF challenge, and the current gown I need to finish by February 21st. Now I must go and cut a pattern.

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